A Conversation With Emilie Hendryx
Emilie Hendryx is a freelance writer and photographer living in Dayton, Ohio. A member of ACFW, she writes romantic suspense and young adult science fiction. In her spare time, you can find her designing fun bookish items for her Etsy and Society6 shops all while drinking too much coffee.
What don’t you like about the writing process?
Emilie: The editing! I know, I know! This is the part where the book gets good, but I’m a very organized person and entering into edits is messy. Things are pulled apart and tweaked and changed and though it’s for the overall good, to me it just feels like utter chaos. To combat this, I often draw things out on whiteboards so I can “see” it all, and I will often times re-read larger portions for flow purposes. In the end, it’s totally worth it, but while I’m in edits I’m often banging my head against a wall (sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically).
What’s your go-to when you need a pick-me-up to keep writing?
Emilie: Good friends. I’ve got some amazing friends (some who write and some who do not). When I’m down I immediately go to them so they can set me straight. It’s not just so that they’ll tell me I’m great (which they occasionally do – haha) but so that they can encourage me in Christ. It’s so important for creatives to remember that our design is to create like the Father does and when we get bogged down or lose sight of that, we’re losing sight of who we are in Him.
Why do you like writing romantic suspense?
Emilie: I started off writing romance because, at the time, it was what I read, but slowly my tastes began to change as well as the fact that I wanted more to my stories. Don’t get me wrong, I still love a good romance, but now I crave that action. I want the tension and elements of danger. Plus, my mind tends to think of a plot, then suddenly there’s a conspiracy or a kidnapping or some type of danger. I can’t keep the suspense out!
Current book: Runaway
A girl who has stolen incriminating evidence against a corrupt LA lawyer hides in a small town and meets a man with the skills to save her life.
Connect w/Emilie
Twitter: www.twitter.com/eacreativephoto
FB: www.facebook.com/emiliehendryx
Blog: www.eahendryx.blogspot.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/createexploreread
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/eahendryx
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/eahendryx