Favorite Place to Read
Here in Northern Virginia, the weather is warming up (sometimes too quickly!) and we can see the lazy, hazy days of summer right around the corner. Thinking about summer always brings to my mind what books I’ll read and where I might like to read them. Here are some of my favorite places to curl up with a book and lose myself for a few minutes (or, if I’m lucky, hours!).
My reading chair in our bedroom. Nice lighting, comfy seat–what could be better?
On our screened-in back porch. I need to get some floor lamps to make reading after the sun goes down easier.
In our screen room while camping. We have some of those really nice gravity chairs that make reading very cozy away from home.
Pretty much anywhere when on vacation. Since we’re less connected to our regular life, I have more opportunities to slip into another world.
Where are some of your favorite places to crack open a book?