National Novel Writing Month is Here!
It’s November 2, which means National Novel Writing Month is well underway, and I’m supposed to have written at least 1,667 words so far to meet my 50,000 word goal. I’ve been participating in NaNoWriMo since 2009, “winning” five times.
For me, it’s one of the best ways to start a new novel or to get an idea out of my head, so I can concentrate on my current work in progress.
This year, I’m working on the second installment of a planned trilogy. The first one, The Dark Guest, won the 2015 American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis contest for romantic suspense. The second one, The Dark Atonement, has a mystery with its roots in the Cold War/East Berlin as well.
Also this year, my two daughters (N, 14, and L, 12) are joining me, writing their own 50K novels. We’ve been planning and having a wonderful time talking about writing.
So far, I haven’t hit a wall yet….but if I do, I’ll just throw in a fire or kidnapping. That always livens things up and gets me over any writer’s block I may experience.
Well, I’d better go write my words for today.