Writing as a Male Protagonist With Luana Ehrlich (Episode 110)
On this episode of “The Romantic Side of Suspense,” I’m talking Luana Ehrlich, a USA Today bestselling author, as well as a freelance writer, minister’s wife, and former missionary to Costa Rica and Venezuela. She developed her passion for spy thrillers and mystery novels at an early age, but she didn’t begin writing her own mystery/suspense/thrillers until her husband retired from the ministry. Now, she writes from an undisclosed location, trying to avoid the torture of mundane housework, grocery shopping, and golf stories. However, she occasionally comes out of hiding to visit with her two grandsons or to enjoy a Starbucks caramel macchiato. She and her husband, James, are long‑time residents of Norman, Oklahoma.
“I think I write in first person in my male protagonist because when I was growing up, my dad would bring home books from the library mostly sci-fi fiction and mysteries,” Luana said. “They looked much more interesting to me than the Bobbsey Twins I’d finished reading. I asked if I could read some, and I was hooked on the genre from that moment on. The unique thing about my dad was that he never read a female author, … so most male authors write male characters. I think it never occurred to me when I started writing that I would ever write in anything but as a male protagonist and as in first person.”
Connect w/Luana
Website: http://www.LuanaEhrlich.com
Amazon: http://amazon.com/author/luanaehrlich
Devotional Blog: http://www.hisglorymyjoy.wordpress.com
Book Bub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/luana-ehrlich
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LuanaEhrlichAuthor
Listen to the podcast for more from our interview, plus an excerpt from Six Days Spent.