Sipping Tea With Angela Carlisle (Episode 129)

On this episode of “The Romantic Side of Suspense,” my guest is Angela Carlisle, who is a writer and editor by day. She prefers to spend her free time reading, baking, and drinking ridiculous quantities of properly steeped hot tea. Whether reading or writing, she loves stories with heart-pounding suspense, permeated with the hope found in Christ. She resides in the hills of northern Kentucky with her family and preschool-age sourdough starter.

“I hardly will ever order hot tea when I’m out because I know it won’t be good enough. … I worked in a tea room and that kind of spoiled me for properly brewed tea,” she said. As for writing romantic suspense, “ultimately it’s because that’s what I most love to read. So I already loved the genre, and when I had an idea for my first book, that’s what I naturally gravitated to.”

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Listen to the podcast for more from our interview, plus an excerpt from Secondary Target by Angela Carlisle. Excerpt and back cover copy read by Janda Sample of Janda Sample Storytelling.