Getting to Know Virginia Vaughn
Award-winning author Virginia Vaughn recently stopped by my blog to share some about her writing life and her most recent romantic suspense, Texas Killer Connection.
Why did you start writing romantic suspense novels?
I feel very blessed to be able to write romantic suspense because that is the genre I love to read.
What’s the hardest part of writing romantic suspense?
That’s easy. Figuring out who the bad guy is, lol. I love writing stories where the villain isn’t known until the very end; however, it is hard to write that way. Most people are killed by someone they know, so writing believable suspense where the hero or heroine don’t know who is after them can get tricky. It’s worth it though for that surprise ending.
When do you find time to write?
I am homeschooling two boys, so my days are full. I often don’t even sit down at my desk until the afternoon. Thankfully, I’m a night owl, so I get most of my writing done in the evenings and into the night.
What’s your go-to when you need a pick-me-up to keep writing?
If I’m stuck on something, I’ll usually read. That helps get my muse going. I also like to go for a drive. I often work out scene or character problems while I’m driving.
Where do you get the inspiration for your plots?
I read a lot and listen to true crime podcasts. I also love to watch crime procedurals to get new and interesting ideas I can turn into my own stories.
What did you want to be as a child (and did that dream come true)?
My childhood dream was to be a gymnast, but I was too scared to do a back flip so I knew I wasn’t going to make a career out of that. I read a lot and dreamed of being a writer but that dream also seemed out of reach for a long time. Ultimately, I decided to pursue writing and publishing—now I’m a full-time writer living my dream.
What does your family think of your writing romantic suspense?
I’m sure they think I’m a little bit weird, but I’ve been doing it now for a while and they’ve all be encouraging. My mom has even started scoping out places for me to hide the bodies, lol.
About Virginia Vaughn
Virginia is a multi-published author of inspirational romantic suspense. Blessed to come from a large, southern family, her fondest memories include listening to stories recounted by family and friends around the large dinner table. She was a lover of books even from a young age, devouring gothic romance novels and stories of romance, danger, and love. She soon started writing them herself. A former investigator for the State of Mississippi, Virginia utilizes her criminal justice background with her love of writing to transform words into powerful stories of romance and danger. Texas Killer Connection is her sixteenth novel with Love Inspired Suspense.
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To catch a killer, they’ll need to find the evidence.
When the investigation into her look-alike cousin’s death stalls, former army intelligence officer Brooke Moore arrives in Texas searching for justice—and is thrust into the middle of a deadly conspiracy. Now she must turn to her cousin’s ex, FBI agent Colby Avery, for help. But with every clue leading them deeper into danger, they must uncover the truth…before they are buried with it.