Linda Shenton Matchett on Historical Accuracy

Linda Shenton Matchett is an author, speaker, and history geek. A native of Baltimore, Maryland, she was born a stone’s throw from Fort McHenry and has lived in historic places all her life. She is a volunteer docent at the Wright Museum of WWII.
How do you pick the
location/setting of your romantic suspense novels?
Linda: I’m an anglophile – lover
of all things British, so I initially set my books in England, mostly London.
In fact, I had three manuscripts completed before I actually managed to set
foot on British soil. I had the best time on that trip visiting places and
standing where my characters had been. Now, I select settings based on a
combination of factors, not the least of which includes places I’d like to
How do you ensure your
books are accurate?
Linda: I’m a major research nerd.
Really. One of the things I love best about my smartphone is the ability to
look up information on the fly. But in order to ensure accuracy, most of my
research encompasses primary sources such as memoirs, autobiographies, and interviews.
There are hundreds if not thousands of oral history interviews on YouTube, and
they have been a tremendous help. I also read newspaper and magazine articles
from the era and location. Sometimes I get so caught up in research I have to
remind myself to write the story.
Which of your books is
your favorite and why?
Linda: Great question, and I’d love
to know what other authors say. For me, my favorite is typically the book I’ve
just finished writing. I’m so immersed in my characters’ lives they feel like
family, and I enjoy spending time with them. Sometimes they slip over into my
“real” life. J

Current book: Under
Ruth Brown searches for her sister’s killer, uncovering smugglers, resistance
fighters, and black marketers, all of whom may want her dead.

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April 2, 2019 @ 5:35 pm
Thanks for having me on your blog today!