Getting to Know Jessica R. Patch
Bestselling author Jessica R. Patch recently stopped by my blog to share some about her writing life.
What’s the weirdest way someone has died or been killed in your novels?
I used a tornado to rip up a tree and impale my villain into another tree. So…that was fun. J
Where do you get the inspiration for your plots?
Believe it or not 98% of my plot ideas come from my Bible reading. A Scripture will spark an idea or a truth and the rest just rolls on in. I often like to take a Scripture and use a villain to twist it, then unravel it as the story progresses to reveal truth.
What is one of your favorite ways to connect with readers?
I’d say my monthly newsletter but really that’s to celebrate my readers. I connect most through my Facebook author page. I post lots of fun memes, and we laugh and cut up a bunch over there.
What do you wish readers knew about the romantic suspense genre?
That just because we write about dark heinous things doesn’t mean we necessarily immerse ourselves in darkness. Yes, we research. We talk to professionals who immerse themselves in darkness every day—hello, law enforcement, we appreciate you. Jesus says in Luke 22:53 when he’s arrested, “But this is your moment, the time when the power of darkness reigns.” Darkness gets its moment in romantic suspense and thrillers. It can be graphic and violent. But it’s just a moment in time until the Light of the World bursts onto the scene and real victory happens vanquishing darkness, bringing the wicked to justice!
What do readers ask you when they meet you?
How can someone so sweet write what you do? LOL. My answer: “You just met me. You don’t know I’m sweet.” Hahaha.
About Jessica R. Patch
Publishers Weekly bestselling author Jessica is known for her dry wit and signature twists whether she’s penned a romantic suspense, a cold case thriller, or a small-town romance. When she’s not getting into fictional mischief with her characters, you can find her cozy on the couch in her mid-south home reading books by some of her favorite authors, watching movies with her family, and collecting recipes to amazing dishes she’ll probably never cook.
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Her Darkest Secret
The sight of a goose feather at a murder scene modeled after a children’s poem is enough to make FBI special agent Fiona Kelly’s blood turn to ice. Almost two decades ago, a feather was left with her sister’s body—and with every subsequent victim of the Nursery Rhyme Killer. Now he’s back. Only this time, his latest gruesome murder is a message to the only one who ever got away: Fiona.
Finding “Rhyme” is an obsession that’s fueled Fiona’s career—and destroyed her marriage to fellow FBI agent Asa Kodiak. Now Fiona and Asa have to put their past tensions aside and work together one last time. But Rhyme is watching, and catching this killer may force Fiona to reveal her biggest, darkest secret…the one only he knows.