Getting to Know PS Wells
Multi-published author PS Wells recently stopped by my blog to share some about her writing life.
How do you pick the location/setting of your romantic suspense novels?
For my novels, I take my readers to places they have never been to, and introduce them to history and activities they have not experienced. For instance, in my novel Chasing Sunrise, I take the reader on a HALO (High altitude, low opening) jump from an airplane, scuba diving along the mile deep wall off the coast of the island of St. Croix, and through the category 5 Hurricane Hugo. When possible, I choose a setting that is so three-dimensional that it acts as a character in the story.
What’s the weirdest way someone has died or been killed in your novels?
On the island of St. Croix is one of the most poisonous trees in the world. A small drop of the milky substance causes skin to blister. Smoke from burning the tree may cause damage to eyes and the respiratory system. The fruit is potentially fatal if eaten. So what’s an author to do with such an opportunity when the story takes place on St. Croix? While the bad guys didn’t die, our hero did leverage the manchineel tree to his advantage to render the antagonists able to be brought to justice.
How do you ensure your books are accurate?
Accuracy is so important to earn and keep the reader’s trust. I will ask experts to read through a section to check for accuracy. For instance, when the Coast Guard boards a ship from another country in The Patent, I searched for someone in that branch of the service. One evening, a group of people met at a restaurant and I found myself across from one person I had not met before. When he told me he was career Coast Guard, I asked if he would read a short section to be certain I had the setting correct. He rolled his eyes, and said yes mostly in deference to our mutual friends. Not long after, I got his comments over email. He said it was fine except for adjustments in the ranks. He ended with a comment I’ve frequently received, “You sure don’t write like a girl.” I’m thankful that one of my daughters is a critical care paramedic and I often ask medical questions. Because she understands both the medical world and authors, she is a frequent resource for writers.
About PeggySue Wells
PeggySue Wells is a bestselling author of 31 books including The Patent, Chasing Sunrise, Homeless for the Holidays, and Ten Best Decisions A Single Mom Can Make. When not writing, Wells parasails, skydives, scuba dives and snorkels.
Connect w/PeggySue Wells
Website: PeggySueWells com and
The Patent
One man stands between a desperate enemy and the perfect weapon.
Attorney and inventor Marc Wayne submits a patent with far reaching military applications. His ideas do not go unnoticed and he is kidnapped by a foreign government seeking to build his invention. Wayne’s sister is a young FBI agent thrust into the middle of her brother’s abduction. If she fails to find her only family member, a new global power will threaten the world. As the kidnappers remain one step ahead of the FBI, can Marc use his wits to free himself and the beautiful scientist who is eager to return to the United States?