Getting to Know Rhonda Starnes
Romantic suspense author Rhonda Starnes recently stopped by my blog to share some about her writing life and her most recent romantic suspense, Perilous Wilderness Escape.
What’s the hardest part of writing romantic suspense?
Weaving the romance thread in with the suspense so that they are balanced. The suspense and danger has to be front and center, but I never want a reader to get to the end of the story and feel like they didn’t see the romance blossom as they story unfolded.
How do you come up with titles for your books?
This question made me smile. I am horrible at coming up with book titles. It’s much harder than actually writing the book. Fortunately for me, I have an amazing editor and creative department offering suggestions when I get stuck. For this particular book, after I sent in a few title suggestions, they came back with two of their own, and Perilous Wilderness Escape was one of them.
What’s your go-to when you need a pick-me-up to keep writing?
Dove Dark Chocolate & Almond. I love the sweet treat, but I also enjoy the encouraging messages inside the wrappers.
How do you ensure your books are accurate?
Lots and lots of research! I also have several family members and friends in various law enforcement and medical fields, and I am constantly asking them questions. I’m also in several online groups with professionals who graciously answer questions for writers
What is absolutely essential for you to write?
I need solitude. Not necessarily quiet, because sometimes I like to listen to 80s music, but if anyone else is in the house, I’m not nearly as productive.
About Rhonda Starnes
Rhonda is a retired middle school language arts teacher. She lives in North Alabama with her husband, who she lovingly refers to as Mountain Man. They enjoy traveling and spending time with their children and grandchildren. Rhonda writes romantic suspense with rugged heroes and feisty heroines.
Connect w/Rhonda
Perilous Wilderness Escape
An undercover mission…turns into life and death
Hot on the trail of a ruthless drug cartel, FBI agent Randy Ingalls is nearly killed in an ambush—and left with amnesia. Now FBI agent Katherine Lewis must protect her undercover partner from the ruthless drug cartel pursuing them across the rugged Colorado mountains. Can she decipher the clues in his lost memory, or will she lose the case—and her partner—for good?