The Story Behind Phantom Love
Authors are often asked where they get their ideas, and if you ask enough authors, you’ll get a wide variety of answers. I’ve gotten ideas from the news, from my own personal experience, from a snippet of overheard conversation, and mostly from asking “What if…”.
The idea that became Phantom Love was slightly different, as the original genesis of my mystery-romance is based on a true story. I won’t share that story here, because if I do, I’ll give away some of the twists and turns in Phantom Love. But suffice to say, truth IS stranger than fiction at times!
Of course, I took the germ of the true story and took it in another direction–that’s what fiction writers do, after all. But I’ve always found that starting from a grain of truth, something that actually happened, and then adding our own stamp on the story, adds a layer of authenticity and realness to a work.
Then again, I think some would read Phantom Love or even hear the original story and think, “That could never actually happen!”
I’ll let my readers be the judge of that.
Happy reading!